Warm-up: 400mtr Run > 15mtr OH walk Lunge > 10 OH WF Squats > Mobilise
Tech: Snatch + C&J WOD: "Olly Total": 1RM Snatch + 1RM Clean & Jerk Finisher: 3min AMRAP: G2OH (sc: 25/40k, rx: 35/50k)
Warm-up: 4x: 150mtr Run > 5mtr Monkey-bars > 5mtr Grinder > 15 Sit-ups. Then banded mobility.
Warm-up: 3x: 40 DUs > 15 OH Wall Squat.
Prac & load OHS for WOD + Set MU / Dip WOD: 2 parts: 1: 30 ring Muscle-ups (or Dips) -take time 1a: 300 DUs > 30 OHS > 300 DUs -rx: ring muscle-ups + OHS: 60/40kg. Take 1a time after MUs + total completion time for 1+1a S&C: Hang Snatch: 3-3-3-3-3 + Strict STC or TTB: 4x3
WOD: "15.1" (refer 2.3.15) 9min AMRAP of: 15 TTB > 10 Dead-lift > 5 Snatch (rx: 52.5/35k) Warm-up: 2 rounds of: 500mtr Row > WC + 8 shoulder-taps > 6x forward-rolls (prog' to pistol out)
Tasks rx: max strict L-sit hold on rings / scaled: 1min total (tuck or pike, opt: p'llettes) rx: 30mtr HSW / scaled: 15mtr Wall Creeper WOD complete for time: (40 cut) 25 Wall-Ball > 1k Run 25 Wall-Ball > 2k Run 25 Wall-Ball > 3k Run (14/20lb to 9/10ft) Warm-up: 3x: 15 Air Sq > 10 > 10 Front Sq > 5 Thruster ...couch + glute stretch
WOD: "Fran" (refer 27.3.15) 21-15-9 for time of : Thruster > Pull-ups S&C: Back Squat: 1x20 + Strict Press: 3-3-3-3-3
July 2018
AuthorLinda Begg |