20 Burpies 12m Rope climb 20 Double-Unders 20 Parallette "shoot-thrus" 20 Box Jumps 100m Run -5 rounds for time Music died tonight but rain on tin beating a good rhythm, our breathing the underbeat, & plenty of sweat on the floor ..all as it should be :)
WOD: Deadlift -PullUps -Push Press ...3-6-9-12-18-21... -AMRAP 30min Upto Auckland wth d girlz to check out the 3rd crossfit heat on Sat @ Fitness expo. A grueling workout: 30 pullups-30 box jumps -20 pistols- 30 push press - 30 ovr head squat - 30 snatch. Gr8 stuff & so much heart! Way to go Emma, & Josh frm Birkenhead CrossFit, cleaning up in the mens :)
WOD MB Waiters Walk
Ring Row Wall Ball KB Russian Swing 1min rotations, 3 rounds, max reps on set weight WOD: "NANCY"
400meter Run 15 Overhead Squat ...5 rounds for time WOD
25 Wall Ball 200m Sprint 4x Rope Climb 20 Box-Jump Burpies 20 TTB 40 Double-Unders ...2/4 rounds for time Awesome intensity in last nights WOD. First time @ CrossFit for Ben & BJ, & nicely done ...a pretty intense "warm-up" huh guys? Great to Steve Williams & the boys with us last night; getting a taste of CrossFit, & joining our boxing afterwards ..some valuable one-on-one time for my boxers with Steve, & some great demos from the boys. (& Ben takeing double-unders to a whole new level!) Hope to see you both in again soon. & big way to go to Stacey who totally nailed it in the WOD & showed everyone what crossfitters are really made of, doing us proud WOD: 5 PullUps-chest to bar, 5 DB Thruster, 5 Elbows to Knees crunch. AMRAP: 20minutes
WOD 100mtr tire flip, 100mtr sprint 10 'shoot-thru'-paralettes 10 TTB 10second L-sit/ tuck hold -paralettes 10 Burpies ..3 rounds for time
10 -Ring Row 20 -Ring Push Ups 30 -Sit Ups 40 -Farmers Walk 50 -Air Squats AMRAP: 25min ................................ Inspiring efforts on Friday with "Fite Gone Bad"! ..great to see a few new faces & almost everyone taking the 5-round option! :) way to go WOD: Overhead Squat 15-12-12-12-10-10-10 Ring Dips 10-10-10-10-10-10-10 -rest: 40 seconds ..best weight loaded over reps set
"Fight Gone Bad" Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds Box Jump: 20" box Push-press: 75 pounds Sub: double-unders instead of Rower 1-minute each station, 1-min rest. 3 rounds for reps. Scale where needed. This benchmark WOD was my very first taste of crossfit, & I was hooked for good! Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did |
July 2018
AuthorLinda Begg |