WOD -Puke CrossFit: "melting pot"
30 Rope-whip 20 GHD 30 OHS 20 TTB 30 Box-jumps 20 Ring Push-ups 30 MB Crunch > extrension 20 Burpies -For time.
Pistols TTB Ring-row Box-jumps 4x 1min ..total reps WOD
10 Strict straight Pull-ups 10 Strict Ring-dips 10 Ring-lunges (p/s) 3 rounds for time ...use highest advancement possible ALL exercises. (weight vest prefefrable: 10-20k) warm-up: jog 400mtr > practice TGU WOD TGU: 10min alternating left & right -record KB weight/reps Jog 400mtr Dead-lift: 1min working > 1min rest -repeat 5x. -record wieght/reps. (70/100k) Jog 400mtr Push-ups: 1min working >1min rest -repeat 3x -max reps Great "grit in the box" yesterday with a longer WOD. Big welcome & safe travels to Ben O'reily from CrossFit Wollongong, & Adam from CrossFit North Lakes -great to have a couple fellow CrossFit fiends from across the ditch join us for WODs the last few days Ben & Ken catch a breather. Adam powers through Thursday taking out the top time
4mtr Rope-climb + 10 Pull-ups @ top 30 BB Push-Press (35/40k) 4mtr Rope-climb + 9 Pull-ups @ top 30 BB Back Squats (50/70k) 4mtr Rope-climb + 8 Pull-ups @ top 30 Wall-ball (14/20lb) 4mtr Rope-climb + 7 Pull-ups @ top 30 paces Waiters-walk (15/20k) 4mtr Rope-climb + 6 Pull-ups @ top 30 GHD Sit-ups 4mtr Rope-climb + 5 Pull-ups @ top 30 L-raises (rings) 4mtr Rope-climb + 4 Pull-ups @ top 30 TTB 4mtr Rope-climb + 3 Pull-ups @ top 30 Parallette shoot-thru's 4mtr Rope-climb + 2 Pull-ups @ top 30 Sit-ups 4mtr Rope-climb + 1 Pull-up @ top -COMPLETE FOR TIME. NO CUT-OFF! ..so to save "WOD-withdrawals" while I was away, Stace & Cherie grabbed the key & some of the members got together for an impromtu session! Choice looking WOD you guys, what an awesome team
10 L-sit Pull-ups (scale: "30sec bird on wire") 20 Burpies 30 Decline push ups 40 DU's 5 rounds, -for time. |
July 2018
AuthorLinda Begg |