For power: Dead-Lift: 15-12-10-10-8-8-6-6 Rest atleast 1minute between sets. Best weight over reps with IMMACULATE form. ........................................................... WOD 20 HSPU 20 TTB 400mtr Run 20 Crunch: knees>elbows 80 Double Unders 3 rounds for time. 40minute cut off. -Stacey you rock ..powering out 6 reps @ 80k on her 7th & 8th sets this morning :) And Ngaire sticks with the Double Unders, & reaches 160, way to go!
Special Offer: Join up for one, or both of the 6-week challenges & pay no more than a normal CrossFit membership. LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE o Full nutrition guidance o Regular chartering of progress -Physique: weight, measurements, body-fat -Fitness: strength, speed, power, agility... o Access to all CrossFit & Boxing sessions o All daily sessions ‘coached & driven’ with a fully qualified & experienced Trainer o Additional classes for duration of Challenge, for extra burn-time! We will be running two six-week challenges with a 2-week ‘breather’ between. 1st challenge: 9th September-14th October 2nd challenge: 4th November-16th December It’s that “OMG Summer is coming” time of year. So get motivated, stay focused, & power into summer: Fitter, Stronger & Leaner! ..with CrossFit Pukekohe Enquiries & Bookings contact Linda: 0272348222 WOD
SDHP (high-pull) Ring Push-Ups 3-6-9-12-15-18-21... AMRAP: 20min WOD
OH Squat Ring Dips Double Unders Pull-Ups Pike (rings/p-bars) Box Jumps Rest 3/5x 1min rotations. Total reps WOD
10 Power Clean -> 10 Squat Clean 15 Decline Push Up -> 15 Flat Push-Up 20 Sit up 800m run 3/4 rounds for time WOD: a simple but seriously kick-ass bench-mark girl... "KAREN" 150 Wall-Ball shots -For time. Goodluck! ................................................................................ Awesome stuff happening in Puke CrossFit over the last week. Gotta mention Stacey who is running the WOD almost every day & getting the kind of advance that still surprises me, -the records prove it: stronger, fitter & leaner! Also Becks who trains almost as much & also totally kicks-ass in the WODs. Gordon stepping up his training too -& the determination! -check him out doing unassisted pull-ups! -A much bigger task for a bigger taller guy. And opting for the box -taking ring push-ups to the next level. Also a big thanks to Johnson, PJ, Lisa & Stace; for the awesome energy & motivation I got working-out alongside you on Thursday night :) we rocked it!
Anyway if I listed all the awesome people CrossFit Pukekohe & thier latest physical feats I would be stuck on the computer for a very long time, everyone is awesome in different areas. Keep it up team. And 'respect' to all those who tackle 'Karen' today WOD
15 Thruster 20 Burpies 15 Ring-Row 100m Sprint AMRAP: 30 min Nice work Sunday crew; Gordon, Stace, Jess & Andrew This is Hank ..another fit, strong member @ CrossFit Pukekohe. He is 63, & training for the "Tough Mudda" event, coming up soon in Auzzie, which he is entering with his son. Check out his L-raise on the P-bars!! ..he amazes me each week, keeping pace with others less than half his age, & always smiling :) WOD
20 Double Unders 20 Russian Swing (opt':American swing) 20 Double-Unders 20 Sit-Ups (opt':MB crunch->extension) 20 Double Unders 20 Pushups (opt':1-hand:10ps) 20 Double Unders 20 TTB (opt':strict straight TTB) Rest: 1 minute -3 rounds. Score=best round for time WOD
Ring Dips Ring Pull-Ups Box Jumps Wall Ball Rope climb Rest 2minutes each station, 2-3 rounds. For total reps WOD
Rope Whip Farmers Walk (KB/DB) 1-Leg Push-ups Waiters Walk (Plate/MB) -30 of each: AMRAP in 30minutes Check out Stacey; first time with the Clean & Jerk, & hitting 30k over ten reps with great form! ..the only one in @ dawn yeasterday so we got in some one-on-one coaching. Way to go Stace, with that sort of focus & power you're gonna overtake me in no time |
July 2018
AuthorLinda Begg |