Warm-up: 2x 20 DUs > 20 Jump Squats, then stretch out Hip flexors/Quads
Strength: 1RM Clean & Jerk WOD: For time: Annie (50-40-30-20-10 DUs > Sit-ups) > 1k Run > 75mtr Sled push (70/45k) ...note your 'Annie' completion time as well as total finish time
Warm-up: 20 Burpees > 10 Russian KBS > 20 American KBS > rest & stretch Test: max reps unbroken on Wall Ball -standard weight/height Tech: TGU, KB Snatch, bar Muscle-ups WOD: Chipper 20 TGU (alternating L/R) > 20 Burpees > 10 bar Muscle-ups 30 KB Snatch (alternating L/R) > 20 Burpees > 10 bar Muscle-ups 40 American KBS > 20 Burpees > 10 bar Muscle-ups ...for time (25min cut) suggested 20/16kg KB SQUAT CLINIC
Front Squat: 5x3 @ 75% 1RM Warm-up:
Scorpion > Lunging Quad stretch > Bear walk > 3x Fan Lunge > Banded hammie/inner stretch > 20 Jump-lunges > Glute stretch > 20 hip circles Time test: 1k Row WOD: "14.3" (refer 14.10.14) Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 10 deadlifts @ 61/43kg > 15 box jumps 15 deadlifts @ 84/61kg > 15 box jumps 20 deadlifts @ 102.5/70kg > 15 box jumps 25 deadlifts @ 125k/84g > 15 box jumps 30 deadlifts, @ 143/93kg > 15 box jumps 35 deadlifts @ 165/102kg > 15 box jumps ...box jump height: 60/50cm Mobilise: wrists, shoulders, hip-flexors. Stretch: Quads & Glutes Skill/Strength 4 strict Pull-ups > 4 strict HSPU > 4 low Pistols (4 sec hold @ bottom) > 15mtr HS walk 4 L-sit Pull-ups > 4 deficit HSPU > 8 KB Pistols > 15mtr HS walk 4 weighted Pull-ups > 4 (increase) deficit HSPU > 8 KB Pistols (up weight) > 15mtr HS walk 4 weighted HSPU (max weight) WOD: "MARY" 20 min AMRAP of: 5 HSPU > 10 Pistols > 15 Pull-ups ...refer to: 26.11.14 Strength Clinic Back Squat: 1x20 @ 60% 1RM Warm-up: 400mtr Run > 10 incline RR > 20 air-Squats > 10 supine RR > 20 DUs > mob/stretch hips/glutes
Tech: Snatch ...with BB only: 10 hang muscle Snatch > 10 fast 'trap-door' Squats > 10 hang squat Snatch ...load up to manageable working weight for best form & work 6 sets of 8 Squat Snatch WOD: 5RFT of: 2 Snatch + 6 alternating OH front-Lunge steps > 8 decline Ring Row > 40 DUs rx weight: 60/40k, scaled option: incline or supine RR & 20 DUs Warm-up: : 3x: 75mtr Jog > 10 high-knee Ring tucks
WOD: "ELIZABETH +" Clean > Ring Dips (rx: 40/60k) 21-15-9 > 3min rest 12-9-6 > 2min rest 9-6-3 record finish time on 'classic Elizabeth' (21-15-9) ..as well as overall completion time Warm-up: 500mtr Row > Banded Hammy stretch
then: BB Romanian Dead-lift: 8-6-6-4-4 WOD Strength: Deadlift: 3-3-3-3-3, alternate with Bench: 5-5-5-3 then: 6min AMRAP: Burpees!!! Warm-up: set up Hollow + Arch > 30 Hollow rocks + 20 Arch rocks (broken up however you choose)
Core: complete as much of the following as possible in 15min (again broken how you choose) 30 GHD Sit-ups, 20 V-ups, 30 ab-mat Sit-ups, 20 GHD Back-extensions, 30 strict TTB, 20 bi-lat BW (bi-lateral body-weight movements being push-ups &/or pull-ups) WOD: 18min AMRAP 3 Atlas Stone Cleans > 6 tag-height Burpees > 9 KB Cleans p/s > 12 HSPU Warm-up: mobilize shoulders & hips then:
3x: 5 OHS > 5 slow launch > 10 trap-door drops (raise weight each round) Tech: Snatch WOD: "Isabel" 30 Snatch for time > 2k Run rx snatch weight: 61/43kg |
July 2018
AuthorLinda Begg |